Muriel Lize

Muriel Lize

Company: Boehringer Ingelheim

Job title: Associate Director in vitro respiratory research


Fireside chat: How Complex Is Complex? Uncovering Unique Perspectives on Model Complexity 9:30 am

Exploring different perspectives across the industry on the optimal level of complexity in 3D tissue models for drug discovery Delving into how different research objectives and disease contexts influence the choice of model complexity, considering organoids, spheroids, microphysiological systems, and organ-on-a-chip Exploring potential innovations and technologies that could influence the evolving landscape of model complexity,…Read more

day: Day Two

Recapitulating The Lung Pathobiology Using Organoids & Organ-On-A-Chip 4:15 pm

Sharing methodologies to validate biology of these models to assess for idiopathic fibrosis Implementing spatial biology techniques to validate model components and break-down biology into mechanism-based assays to enable screening Discussing the multidimensional insights provided by these models together with validated human clinical biomarkers for a thorough understanding of the expected drug effects on the…Read more

day: Day One

Panel: What Does the Future of 3D Tissue Modelling Look Like to You? 1:25 pm

Discussing the exciting model developments that have recently gained traction Uncovering the use of models for personalized medicine or personalized patient treatment regimes Addressing the potential use of artificial intelligence to empower current workflowsRead more

day: Day Two

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